How the all-or-nothing diet mentality is making you gain weight

When we think of foods as “good” or “bad”, it translates into thinking of ourselves as “good” or “bad” when we eat them. The reality is that there are no good and bad foods, just better choices. Getting rid of the all-or-nothing food mentality will allow freedom in eating and a healthier relationship with food and ultimately achieving your goal weight.

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Allison Vercelli
10 benefits of water and how to easily increase your intake

Your body depends on water to survive. 60% of the human body is made up of water and it’s essential for our cells and organs to function properly. So how much water do you need and how do you ensure you get enough? Here are 10 benefits of drinking water, a guide to how much you need and how to ensure you drink enough each day.

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Allison Vercelli
How learning to love the process will help you achieve your goals

When you’re looking to lose weight there is no such thing as overnight results. Diets promising this are just setting you up for failure down the road. Real, lasting weight loss takes time but can also be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable processes of your life. Read here to learn how to focus on the journey and love the process, which will lead to the results you desire.

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Allison Vercelli